About Us
Welcome To our Dynamica
Dynamica was promoted by Mr.A.Shanmugasundaram who is a Psychologist/Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Hypnotist
who has expertise in programming the young minds. He has been in the training field for the past 22 years and giving motivational sessions to schools, faculty and apart from corporate. He is an ex banker with 33 years experience.
- Worked in Dena Bank for 33 years (VRS Retd).
- Done M.Sc. & M. Phil in Psychology.
- Done Two diplomas in Counselling (Psychotherapy & Counselling).
- Done Reiki Level 1 & 2.
- Undergone Hypnosis Training.
- Undergone NLP Training (Certified NLP Practitioner).
- Visiting Faculty to Police Academy, Chennai.
- Visiting Faculty to Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Chennai.
- Consultant trainer at CII, Chennai (under CSR-EEF), ESI, DPI, ACMA & TANSTIA.
- Regular trainer at Hyundai, MRF, FLSmidth, Ashok Leyland.
- Business Consultant to many companies.
- Previously advisor-cum-convenor of Trainers Circle, Vice President (Training) of Potential Genesis HR Services LLP.
- Founder of Surely Success Club, Dynamic Skills Academy.
- CEO of Value Plus, WOW Business Solutions, Dynamica.in & BusineZguru.in
- Appeared in Raj TV (மனமே மனமே, இதோ வேலை, விவாத மேடை).
- Shalini TV (புத்தம் புது காலை), Vendhar TV (Yuva), Nambikkai TV, AMN TV, Aadhan TV.
- Gave regular talks in All India Radio, Gold FM.
- Written 200 + articles.
- Developed and Released Hypnosis CDs on Attract Money and Score High Marks.
- Developed and Released Silent Subliminal CDs on seven titles.
- Published a Tamil book titled (எம் மாணவனையும் பொன்னாக்கலாம்) .
- Has expertise in mind programming, Conducted 60 + Public workshops on Mind Power.
- Best Service Award from Lions Club, Winning Motivator Award from Chennai HR Forum ,மனித நேய மாமணி-Award from a social organization and Intl Award for Excellence in Education & Social Workby Mayan Group, awarded at Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Videos of the trainings done at SRM University can be viewed in youtube.com (Search: arasu shanmugasundaram)